Baby #5 Story, Part I

**This post has been in my drafts to post since March. Just saying.**

Yep.  You (the two people who may actually still check my blog) heard me.  Obviously, I wouldn't be lying.  It really does take having another baby to get to me to actually write a blog post!  Why is that? Probably because a baby birth story tends to be a bit longer than the paragraph-at-most that I put on facebook. Want the short(ened a bit) version?  Here it goes...

We have a full family. Three beautiful girls and a handsome son.  Four children makes for a pretty big family already, right? Originally, when we were thinking about baby #4, I had this vision of having another boy and getting the even-steven two girls, two boys bit. Well, the Buggs had other plans, and she has been a delightful addition to our family. She's the most outgoing, most headstrong child we've had and it's already been a great ride having her.  I wouldn't change my girl-boy-girl-girl situation one bit! Because I love them all and they are better children than I deserve!!

After the Buggs, I felt like we would be okay not having more children. I wasn't anti-more, but not pro-more either. Hubby, however, was pro-more :) Especially the idea of another boy.  But life definitely was busy and after starting to teach seminary just 5 months after T was born, and with work and then kids all starting school so quickly (Bubbs in 2010, Sim in 2011, C in 2013...), we didn't talk about it very often.

Fast-forward. Not long after T turned three, I started thinking that when E was three, she already had two younger siblings(!). We started talking more about another baby.  But I told hubby that before we even started trying, I wanted to be okay having a boy OR a girl.  Because honestly, at that point, I only wanted another baby if we could be SURE it would be a boy. Not that you need to know more information than that, but after lots of thinking and praying (and encouragement from my sweet husband), I did get to the point that I wanted to try for another baby. Boy or girl. Poor Sim had been asking for a brother for a LONG time, and I even had a chat with him about how if we had another kid, Heavenly Father might decide another girl was right for our family. He (reluctantly) agreed, and that made it easier to decide to try.

Unlike our other babies, it took a while to get pregnant this time. (Not that I am comparing this to those who struggle for years with fertility limitations; I know we are lucky that we didn't have more of a struggle in this area, but waiting was new to us!). As we waited, I recognized that my Father in heaven probably wanted to help me realize I really did feel like another baby - no matter the gender! - should be part of our family. So mid-2014, we found out I was pregnant! (Two weeks before I joined hubby on a business trip to Europe. Story for another post. But I was not the most pleasant person to be around on that trip... And going to Paris wasn't as romantic as either of us had planned! :P )

At 18 weeks, we went to have our health check/gender-revealing sonogram.  That morning, I was nervous for many reasons. That something would be wrong I think is every expectant mom's first and most important worry. But I also worried we'd find out we were having a girl and be disappointed. Which I didn't want! It would be so unfair to the beautiful baby I was growing and ungrateful of me to think that way!  As we watched the ultrasound, all appeared in order, and both hubby and I thought we saw the baby's privates and that we were having a girl. And whew, I felt okay with that! But then, the tech showed us the gender and we were having a boy!

We had a fun reveal dinner with the kids - they didn't even know we were having a baby at all so we had a baby dinner (baby carrots, baby pizza, baby bottles to drink out of, etc) and then a water balloon stomp resulted in blue water all over our driveway :)  Our Simster was out. of. his. mind. THRILLED!  Then we had an amazing YW of mine take our family pictures and we announced it to our family and friends :)


Rachael said…
Wow congrats months ago when you had him. :) so now is your family complete, or you might have more?
I have a good life said…
And what a great (like THE most wonderful way) to announce your precious E! Love love love your family!