On the Road Again...

I am currently in the passenger seat of my Toyota Sienna, cruising down I-35. DH got one of those cool internet Verizon cards from his work and so now when I'm with him in the car, we have internet access! How cool is that?! Blogging on the road... 21st century bonus :)


Where are ya headed?
dieMutti said…
Oops... the post makes it look like a big adventure, but we were just going home from a baptism at the church. Silly me.
Anonymous said…
Wow~ that is so cool! Technology sure is exciting! Very cool. Hope you are having a fun weekend!
No Fair. Crazy. Love it. Thanks for the party last night. We had fun and we made it home without driving into a ditch.
Kodelle said…
off topic - I love the new look!