So I am having a kind of hard time with some things right now. I will spare you the details, because I am sure I should just buck up and get over it. But since I can't sleep because of it, I thought, "Hey, I should blog something!" Aren't you proud of me? It's 3:30am right now so bear with me if I don't make sense :)
Summer is coming to an end. My kids aren't in school yet, but we will be starting preschool next week and I can't believe it's already time for backpacks and notebooks and (hopefully) cooler weather and my favorite part of fall - college football!
I won't bore you with a separate post for each of the things we did this summer, but if I had to make a summer-y (get it? hee hee I told you it is 3:30am!) it would be...
And again, I leave you from within the shadows of the everlasting Texas heat :) May peace be with you, this day and always... (If you get that reference, I hope you are just floored by my extreme cleverness :)
Hope you enjoy a few summer pics and I'll post a little footage later!
Summer is coming to an end. My kids aren't in school yet, but we will be starting preschool next week and I can't believe it's already time for backpacks and notebooks and (hopefully) cooler weather and my favorite part of fall - college football!
I won't bore you with a separate post for each of the things we did this summer, but if I had to make a summer-y (get it? hee hee I told you it is 3:30am!) it would be...
- lots of swimming!
- baby showers - thanks to all my great friends who had babies so we had an excuse to stay out 'till all hours of the night :)
- the bubbs' first dance class (maybe I'll post some footage - all the girls were adorable!)
- YW camp and other YW activities
- my nephew's baptism
- hanging out with family and friends
- roadshow practices and performance for the Denton Jubilee
- DH's band playing in the Jubilee (with a not-so-great appearance from me on the viola)
- wonderful vacation really just to visit friends and family in UT and CO that we miss so much!
- Oquirrh Mountain temple open house (would have been our temple if we were still in Utah)
- working
- DH working
- entertaining three young children
- oh, did I mention swimming?
- oh, did I mention YW?
- oh, did I mention DH working?
- etc
And again, I leave you from within the shadows of the everlasting Texas heat :) May peace be with you, this day and always... (If you get that reference, I hope you are just floored by my extreme cleverness :)
Hope you enjoy a few summer pics and I'll post a little footage later!
Love ya (like a sis! (ha ha!))